Quest:Scattered Friends

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Scattered Friends
Level 82
Type Solo
Starts with Gandalf
Starts at Treebeard's Hill
Start Region Eaves of Fangorn
Map Ref [38.9S, 74.6W]
Quest Group Eaves of Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I wish to speak with you about Fangorn, <name>. I have great faith in your good sense, and I am relying heavily upon it now. I believe your deeds can do much to effect change here in these troubled times.'


Gandalf the White wishes to speak with you about the current state of Fangorn, and the role that you might have in stirring the air at last.

Objective 1

  • Listen to Gandalf

Gandalf is on Treebeard's Hill in Fangorn.

You should speak with Gandalf.

Gandalf: 'We do not have much time, but I thinkk you will want to hear my tale. Will you not stay for a spell, <name>?'
Complete the Instance: Scattered Friends quest.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Gandalf upon Treebeard's Hill

Gandalf is on Treebeard's Hill in Fangorn.

You should speak with Gandalf.

Gandalf: 'Does that satisfy your curiosity about the fate of the young hobbits? They are in good hands now, safe as can be. I am deeply relieved that they came to no harm.
'As for you...will you stay here and do what deeds you can? The forest may never be the same, but I believe your actions will change it for the better.'